Christmas Cantata (With Possum)


The Author writes:

"This year my Beloved wrote a cantata for choir, soloists and keyboards about ... certain events. One of the singers was inspired to set his libretto using Night Cafe..."

Click Next to begin!

'Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring...

Not even a mouse!

But who is this
that cometh as a thief in the night?
Behold, in the fruit bowl
may be seen marks, even of teeth!

Who is this
that cometh down the chimney,
all covered with soot?
Behold, behold, the portly possum!

What meaneth this sign and portent?
What gifts hast thou brought,
seeing it is Christmas Eve?

Then spake the cat
unto the householder,
Possum is my friend,

And he hath shared my bowl
Of all that lies therein
Hath he partaken!

Then shall it even be so recorded
O Cat, thy bond shall be honoured,
And thy friend may bite of the apple
That lies therein,
And blessed shall be his name.

And so it came to pass
That Yuletide Feast with plate and glass

Human, cat and possum all
Carousing in the feasting hall.
Alleluia, alleluia!

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

from the Author, her Beloved,
and an assortment of fleet-footed furry individuals,
Footscray, Christmastide, 2024.

© 2024 David Greagg (text & music)
and AL Uitdenbogerd (images, with the assistance of NightCafe).

Implementation by Huon Computer Solutions.